Welcome Future Business Leaders of America

FBLA is a program that brings business and education together. FBLA is the largest career student organization in the world, that helps prepare students for jobs in the future. Students gain leadership skills, compete against other students in all types of events, and earn many accomplishments through this program. Through competitions, students can earn prize money and recognition from potential employers. By participating in FBLA, students are prepared for their futures by learning necessary skills for interacting with other people and exposure to the real world of business.

Hashtag Competition

About Our Hashtag Competition

For this competition, you will need to find an FBLA officer and get a hashtag. Then take the most creative picture with that hashtag and post it on Instagram. Make sure to tag @morganhighfbla to enter the competition. The deadline is September 9th and the prize is a $20 gift card to your choice of Subway, J's, or Pretzelmaker.

Tours and Events

Adobe Headquarter's

Tour the office of the professional
software giant with FBLA

Our Adobe Tour

You must first be a member of FBLA in order to join us on the tour to Adobe Headquarters. Adobe creates the software that we use in our Computer design classes at Morgan High. They are the creative software giant, and we are going to have a look inside what goes on in their business. Sign up today!

Events and Activities

As a member of FBLA you will have the opportunity to join us on upcoming tours(including Adobe's Headquarters, BYU Broadcast tour, Real Salt lake games, ect) Come have fun and particitpate in events for a chance to go to state and win BIG!

FBLA Activites

Visit sporting events, tour businesses, and participate
in competitions to make it to nationals!

Salt Lake Bees

Come join the FBLA team on a trip
to go watch the Salt Lake Bees

Our Bees Game

As a member of Morgan High FBLA you have the chance to come with us to to Smiths Ballpark to come watch the Bees play a game of baseball. We will be going out to eat afterwards! Come have fun with us, Sign up today in the Office.